PCA Articles

Professional Excellence through PCA Accreditation.

Distinguish Yourself

PCA accreditation is a designation of professional excellence. As an accredited PCA contractor, you have the industry approval of being a dedicated, ethical, and better business owner. Accreditation also provides the customer with the comfort that they have chosen a certified professional. Below are the steps that are required in order to distinguish your business in the field and become PCA accredited.

4 Steps to Accreditation  

  1. Agree to the terms of Accreditation
  2. Complete the required 18 credits of educational training and activities.
  3. Submission of supporting Business Documentation
  4. Submission of Application Documents including 2 References

Upon Completion You’ll Receive:

  • Official PCA letter of completion
  • Official PCA certificate of Accreditation
  • 50 Promotional Brochures for customers (plus a digital version for additional printing)
  • Digital PCA Accreditation logo for website use
  • Accreditation Magnet for Vehicle
  • Accreditation Stickers for business documents and promotional material

In order to maintain Accreditation status, Accredited companies are re-evaluated every 2 years for completion of ongoing education and training. The renewal period begins upon completion of initial Accreditation.

3 Steps to Re-Accreditation

  1. Complete the 22 required credits of education requirements
  2. Upload your business documentation (every 24 months)
  3. Administrative Evaluation of all records

Join PCA now to see full details on the accreditation program.