Board of Directors | Dave Ryker
At age twenty, I was struggling to make ends meet by painting bathrooms and kitchens for family and friends to enable the continence of my education; this is when I met a sales rep for a local paint company who graciously introduced me to a local PCA Chapter. Upon joining, I met a group of highly respected and successful paint contractors, all of whom were willing to assist in my endeavors. I immediately joined the Association and that was the beginning of a six-decade business career in PCA, an organization like no other in the painting industry! Each year benefiting from the training, education, and camaraderie available by my membership, and allowing me the privilege of serving in leadership at all levels of PCA, which culminated in serving as PCA Board Chair.
The education and training of PCA members continue to improve each year and offers the opportunity to benefit your business as it has continued to benefit mine.