PCA Articles

Pay Raises Plan

Pay Increase Based on Problem Solving

How do you decide how and when to give pay raises? We recently had a discussion with Jason Paris of Paris Painting who has found success promoting employees based on their problem-solving skills. He’s been able to create an efficient process, communicate how it works and regulate it objectively. Here are some of the highlights from our conversation with Jason:

  • Being less ingrained in the norm of business allows for the ideation of new processes.
  • Pay raises should be focused on how you work together.
  • Start with standardized positions, but branch off when you get to mid-tier management.
  • Your crew must be willing to help your business succeed to make this system work.
  • Make sure your crew knows about the paths to success and how to progress in different areas.
  • If you want to elevate your employees, treat your company as a partnership with them.

To learn more about this process, check out our podcast, Pay Increase Based on Problem Solving.